Richard Paul Evans

#1 New York Times bestselling author

Amazing Faith is a beautiful love story that leaves you feeling grateful and connected–not just to a sympathetic protagonist in her struggle to do what is right–but also to a loving God who cares and watches out for His children in ways we do not always comprehend.”

Amazing Faith is a tender story that is driven by the book’s title and clever play on the words, “Amazing Faith.”  The main character has her unwavering faith tested as she struggles to cope with fate’s unforeseeable sense of humor. This story provides reassurance of just how strong the power of faith can be during moments of adversity.” – DAVID SMITH, Senior Vice President, Texas Banking Executive

Amazing Faith depicts how strong faith helps to overcome trials and tribulations in life. It is a spiritual book that encourages readers to pray incessantly, while taking the initiative to create a better future for themselves, especially in the face of adversity. The message of perseverance and faith is sure to inspire readers.” – CHRISTOPHER SHAW, Director – DFW, b1Bank, Texas 

Amazing Faith is beautifully written and very engaging. It is a love story, a mystery, a commentary on society, and a practical guide to navigating the worlds of finance and real estate. Above all, it is a parable testifying to the power of prayer, belief, and personal vision.” – ELIZABETH A. R. OKAFO PENN, retired (former Associate Chair, English Preparatory Program, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)

Amazing Faith is an inspirational, meaningful, and exciting read that connects biblical scriptures and principles to everyday living. Beautifully presented, the characters in the book come alive as the story takes you on an expedition that holds the undivided attention of the reader from beginning to end.  Anyone seeking to connect life, scripture, and learning, will relish the thought-provoking material presented.” – DR. JENNIFER WIMBISH, prayer leader, Concord Baptist Church and former President of Cedar Valley College in Dallas, TX

Amazing Faith provides a compelling read of life’s experiences that teach us to hold on to our faith. As the main character goes through her life challenges, her contemporary story gives meaning to the biblical definition of faith as found in Hebrews 11:1 KJV – The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. This book is a message about holding on because God as the master planner knows what His Will is for our lives. We must have faith! In the end, we will discover faith is amazing!” – DR. DIANE MILES, retired educator and author

Amazing Faith is a love story and a story of endurance and overcoming. The characters are ordinary people facing challenges that could easily defeat them were it not for faith. When their life goes so well, how will they handle the mishaps and problems to come? Amazing Faith’s plot is inspiring and is a reminder that faith is sustenance. It’s a great read!” – DOROTHY WEIR, historian and founder of Much to Tell Personal History Services

Amazing Faith is a powerful, brilliantly written, novel that demonstrates how effective combining action with prayer can be in the face of adversity. It illustrates both a moral and spiritual lesson on the world maintaining faith during hard times. From the beginning of the book until the end, the author holds the attention of the reader, making it hard to put the book down. With its purpose-driven plot, Amazing Faith is morally suitable for a “made for television” movie or series.” – LANNIE F. ULTON, Founder of Hallowed Consulting and Business Management

“The author’s soft and easy writing style drew me into the story from the opening dialog! I felt a beautiful love story was on the horizon but had no idea how the author would spin a  tale, forcing every emotion within me to surface during the story’s development. Amazing Faith will have you deeply questioning your faith and, by the end, reaffirming it! It is extremely well-written and will have you pondering the ‘what if’ factors of life that could beset any of us at any given time!” – OCIE KAZIE, Business Consultant

“I thoroughly endorse Amazing Faith as a must-read. Readers, hold your breath, bring handkerchiefs, “all of it.” You’ll find yourself pulled into the midst of the story with Faith–praying for her, fighting with her, cheering her onward as she strives to stand on solid ground again. Amazing Faith will be a great Faith-based TV series. Looking forward to seeing it on the screen.” – ALVARENE OWENS, Esq., an avid reader

Amazing Faith is an extremely moving, deeply intriguing, unparalleled inspirational story of relying on one’s faith in the face of adversity. It is a lesson in the power of praying without ceasing and an example of how to mix action with prayer as one struggles to overcome the hardship of adversity and draw on one’s faith to persevere and push forward. For one who is not an avid reader, I could not put this book down and I am sure it will be a source of strength and encouragement to everyone who reads it.” – CAROLE MAYO, retired social worker and Program Director for the Renaissance CDC

Amazing Faith is a tragic love story that draws you into the financial and emotional difficulties that can ensue when adversity strikes a family unexpectedly. This easy-to-read story delivers twists and turns in the characters’ lives, which compels you to consider what would you do if faced with the same situations. True grit and dependence on the Holy Spirit combine to bring healing and redemption that the readers will appreciate. Well done!”  – LINDA A. MORROW, ordained minister

Amazing Faith is a riveting story of an incredible journey of phenomenal faith in the Holy Trinity. It demonstrates a profound determination to keep fighting to survive and thrive regardless of how low circumstances get.  It is a page-turner that keeps you wanting to know what will happen next and how Faith would overcome. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every chapter.”  – SARAH BAKER, retired executive

Amazing Faith is an enjoyable read that ignites empathy for the characters and their predicaments based on personal experiences. It is an incredible exhibition of faith, guts, resilience, initiative, and perseverance during unanticipated hard times as the quest to regain stability and resist the hidden perils of poverty daunts the main character. It is a lesson on appreciating blessings and paying forward those blessings for the benefit of others.” – CHARLIE HENDERSON, Real Estate Developer; Retired President and CEO, C. D. Henderson Construction, Garland, TX

Amazing Faith is a story depicting joy, happiness, success, grief, trials and tribulations, overcoming hardships, and true faith in God. It is very easy reading, and captivating. Each chapter holds you in suspense and piques your interest. The story is beautifully written, original, and intriguing. An outstanding read!” – C.M. IRVIN, retired elementary school educator

“As an avid reader, I have found Amazing Faith to be a captivating novel that will embolden the habit of leaning on faith during times of difficulty. Through a whirlwind of emotions, one will be left pondering the state of their financial affairs and spiritual commitment. The reader finds themselves connecting with the characters and constantly praying for them. The presentation of Faith’s testimony is truly impressive! If you are searching for a book with biblical references, financial awareness, and true tenacity, Amazing Faith is the story for you.” – KIMBERLY DENNIS, an avid reader

Amazing Faith is a motivational romance novel that inspires people to overcome obstacles and achieve success and happiness through generosity, and holding firm through prayer and faith. This book can enhance the lives of believers and improve their spiritual guidance in all aspects of life. It is an awesome reminder of our faith and that we are to place our faith in the Lord alone. What at an encouraging faith base walk!” – S. SMITH, entrepreneur

“A real journey into life’s unpredictability and invincible faith. Dennis’ plot is well-written and well-paced with characters so real and endearing that makes it hard to put down. An engrossing and compelling read.”  – B.M. ANCAR, Retired Elementary School Educator

“When I finished reading Amazing Faith, my first thoughts were I had just read a love story, a whodunit, and an intrigue relating to fulfilling God’s purpose through faith, belief, and trust that the Holy Father would prevail over adversity. This book is a good read. I would recommend it for young readers as well as adults.” – Sandra Blackwell,  art enthusiast, and avid reader

Amazing Faith has a purpose-driven plot that pulled at every one of my heartstrings.  It has so many valuable lessons. I absolutely enjoyed reading it. I hope to see more work from this author.” – HELISHA MOSBY

Amazing Faith is such a good read that once I started reading it, I could not put it down. The story is moving and inspiring in a way that makes you want to participate in your community.” – PATRICIA YVONNE WALKER, retired R. N.


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